
Cause Marketing


Giving in the Light of Reason

By Marc Gunther 3

Will the Open Philanthropy Project’s experiment in effective altruism validate the cause or demonstrate its hubris? Open access to this article is made possible by an underwriter.

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Catalytic Philanthropy - Thumbnail

Catalytic Philanthropy

By Mark R. Kramer 13

Despite spending vast amounts of money and helping to create the world’s largest nonprofit sector, philanthropists have fallen far short of solving America’s most pressing problems. What the nation needs is “catalytic philanthropy”—a new approach that is already being practiced by some of the most innovative donors.

The Dragonfly Effect - Thumbnail

The Dragonfly Effect

By Jennifer Aaker & Andy Smith 10

Two veterans of consumer psychology, marketing, and entrepreneurship provide a guide to using social media for social change.

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The Hidden Costs of Cause Marketing

By Angela M. Eikenberry 18

From pink ribbons to Product Red, cause marketing adroitly serves two masters, earning profits for corporations while raising funds for charities. Yet the short-term benefits of cause marketing—also known as consumption philanthropy—belie its long-term costs. These hidden costs include individualizing solutions to collective problems; replacing virtuous action with mindless buying; and hiding how markets create many social problems in the first place. Consumption philanthropy is therefore unsuited to create real social change.

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Cultivating the Green Consumer

By Sheila Bonini & Jeremy Oppenheim 15

Consumers say they want to buy ecologically friendly products and reduce their impact on the environment. But when they get to the cash register, their Earth-minded sentiments die on the vine. Although individual quirks underlie some of this hypocrisy, businesses can do a lot more to help would-be green consumers turn their talk into walk.

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Antipoverty Apps

By Suzie Boss 13

mPowering has created an app that awards goods and services to individuals facing extreme poverty when they make beneficial choices.