
Q&A - Most Popular

Interviews with social innovation leaders and thinkers (more)

Impact Investing

Elizabeth Littlefield

By Johanna Mair

Elizabeth Littlefield heads up OPIC, a federal agency that helps steer billions of dollars of private investment capital to developing countries.


Jeff Skoll

By Eric Nee 7

Jeff Skoll is one of the most creative, generous, and effective philanthropists of his time. And at age 47, he’s just getting started.

Chris West - Thumbnail
Corporate Philanthropy

Chris West

By Johanna Mair 1

Chris West leverages the assets of the Shell Foundation and its corporate parent to improve the lives of low-income people in the developing world.

Richard Jefferson - Thumbnail
Technology & Design

Richard Jefferson

By Johanna Mair

Richard Jefferson believes that biotechnology can be used to benefit the poor and disenfranchised, but only if the R&D process is democratized.

Manish Bapna - Thumbnail

Manish Bapna

By Eric Nee

Manish Bapna, managing director of World Resources Institute, is helping China manage its environmental problems.

Neal Keny-Guyer - Thumbnail
Economic Development

Neal Keny-Guyer

By Eric Nee

Neal Keny-Guyer believes that wars, earthquakes, and other disasters create opportunities for Mercy Corps to help improve society.