
Features - Articles

New and in-depth explorations of solutions to social, environmental, or organizational problems (more)

The Ingredients of Growth - Thumbnail

The Ingredients of Growth

By David H. Brady & Michael Spence 2

By choosing smart economic models and stabilizing political institutions, political leaders pave the way for fast and sustained development.

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The Case for Stakeholder Engagement

By Kathleen P. Enright & Courtney Bourns 1

Grantmaking initiatives often fail when the foundation remains isolated from its grantees and the communities they both serve.

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Merging Wisely

By David La Piana 8

Funders are increasingly pressuring nonprofits to merge, however, mergers are not always the right path for nonprofits in financial distress.

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An Ounce of Advocacy

By Alyssa Battistoni

When disaster strikes, governments often rely on nonprofits and businesses to help with relief efforts. But making up for the public sector's shortcomings is neither an appropriate nor effective use of the private sector's strengths.

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Endowment for a Rainy Day

By Burton A. Weisbrod & Evelyn D. Asch 5

To prepare for future financial downturns, nonprofits should treat endowments as rainy day funds, not cut programs to preserve the endowment.

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Helping the Poor Save More

By Dean Karlan

To enrich the bottom of the pyramid, bankers to the poor should make saving money easier by using the latest findings from economics and psychology.

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Recreating Fine Arts Institutions

By Diane E. Ragsdale

The fine arts in America are on a perilous path. Attendance at opera, theater, jazz, symphony, and ballet performances has dropped precipitously in recent decades. Just as worrisome, the median age of people attending these events has increased dramatically. If the fine arts are to survive as a living, creative, and significant force in American life, arts institutions need to radically recreate themselves.

Public-Private Alliances Transform Aid - Thumbnail

Public-Private Alliances Transform Aid

By Andrew S. Natsios

The dual goals of scalability and sustainability have eluded many development projects. In recent years, however, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has reached out to corporations, nonprofits, and even private citizens to build alliances that are making large-scale, long-term change. In this article, the former head of USAID describes the public-private partnership model that his agency forged, the successes that the model has won, and the struggles that it continues to face.