
Features - Articles

New and in-depth explorations of solutions to social, environmental, or organizational problems (more)

Disseminating Orphan Innovations - Thumbnail

Disseminating Orphan Innovations

By Susan H. Evans & Peter Clarke 3

Disseminating innovations takes a distinct, sophisticated skill set, one that often requires customizing the program to new circumstances, not replicating.

The Dragonfly Effect - Thumbnail

The Dragonfly Effect

By Jennifer Aaker & Andy Smith 10

Two veterans of consumer psychology, marketing, and entrepreneurship provide a guide to using social media for social change.

Turning Values into Action - Thumbnail

Turning Values into Action

By Mary C. Gentile 4

To produce good outcomes, social entrepreneurs must learn how to articulate their values consistently and act on them.

What Civil Society Needs - Thumbnail

What Civil Society Needs

By Bruce Sievers

Without a healthy civil society it becomes difficult if not impossible to solve other, more readily apparent problems.

Freeing the Social Entrepreneur - Thumbnail

Freeing the Social Entrepreneur

By Chantal Laurie Below & Kimberly Dasher Tripp 7

Social entrepreneurs must recognize when it is time to relinquish control and create strong leadership teams.

Working Wikily - Thumbnail

Working Wikily

By Diana Scearce, Gabriel Kasper, & Heather McLeod Grant 4

A few nonprofits are using social media to fundamentally change the way they work and increase their social impact.