

Winter 2017

Volume 15, Number 1

Laws and programs designed to benefit vulnerable groups, such as the disabled or people of color, often end up benefiting all of society. From affirmative action to wheelchair friendly sidewalks, examples all around us show that investing in equity isn’t a zero-sum game. That’s the message of the cover story in the winter 2017 issue of Stanford Social Innovation Review, “The Curb-Cut Effect,” by Angela Glover Blackwell.

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What’s Next

Field Report

Human Rights

Radio for Good

By Alicia Clegg

National Prison Radio, run by inmates, reaches more than 60,000 prisoners in England and Wales—and aspires to better the lives of every single one.

Case Study



Book Reviews

Last Look


Drawing on Detroit

Philanthropy as a Catalyst

By James M. Ferris

Foundations aspiring to make a difference in challenged cities have much to offer beyond grantmaking—if they are willing to embrace new roles that may fall well outside their comfort zones.

Building Economic Flywheels

By Amy Liu

Concentrating investments along key corridors in the Motor City can generate market activity, but more effort must be made to create self-sustaining momentum that propels communities toward broader prosperity.

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