
Kim Jonker

Strength Through Flexibility - Thumbnail

Strength Through Flexibility

By Kim Jonker 1

Over the past 17 years, the Forum for African Women Educationalists has delivered high-quality education to millions of girls across 35 African countries.

In the Black with BRAC - Thumbnail
Case Study

In the Black with BRAC

By Kim Jonker 14

Serving more than 110 million people per year, BRAC is the largest nonprofit in the world. Yet it doesn't receive the most charitable donations. Instead, BRAC's social enterprises generate 80 percent of the organization's annual budget. These revenues have allowed the organization to develop, test, and replicate some of the world's most innovative antipoverty programs.

Curbing Mission Creep - Thumbnail

Curbing Mission Creep

By Kim Jonker & William F. Meehan III

Despite temptations to broaden its focus, the Rural Development Institute has remained single-mindedly devoted to its mission. As a result, the organization has helped 400 million poor farmers around the world take ownership of some 270 million acres of land – all on a modest budget.