
Jed Emerson - Value Creation

The nonprofit sector delivers social value and the for-profit sector delivers economic value, right? Wrong! Speaking at Bridging the Gap, the 2005 Stanford Net Impact conference, Jed Emerson argues that value is non-divisible, whole, and blended. In this audio lecture, he invites us to think beyond philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, social enterprise, and other limiting mindsets.

California’s Stem Cell Initiative - A Bridging the Gap Panel

In the 2004 general election, California voters approved Proposition 71 by a vote of 59 percent. The initiative established a $3 billion bond measure to create the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and fund stem cell research in the state of California. In this panel discussion, Prop 71 key players address the entrepreneurial challenges they have faced while pushing for a controversial, dramatic policy change.