
Tag: Donors

Philanthropy & Funding

William F. Meehan III - Making Markets Work For Philanthropy

When it comes to online giving market places, the adage is: If you build it, few will come. So how do you drive enough people to such online spaces to make them work? In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, William Meehan, McKinsey senior director, talks about the opportunities and challenges in making online giving marketplaces successful, and what lies ahead in this new philanthropy field for organizations dedicated to making a genuine sustained impact in communities.


Giving Sector Needs to Get Real

By Todd Cohen

Nonprofits need to do a better job of engaging their givers if they want to continue to receive funding.

A Strategic Plan for
Smart Philanthropy
Paul Brest and Hal Harvey

The Art of Grantmaking

Review By Susan Berresford

Money Well Spent: A Strategic Plan for Smart Philanthropy by Paul Brest and Hal Harvey

Spring 2009