
Tag: Conference

Kriss Deiglmeier - New Paths to Social Innovation - Thumbnail

Kriss Deiglmeier - New Paths to Social Innovation

The blurring of lines between nonprofits, governments, and for-profit businesses have fueled contemporary social innovation.  With this convergence of market and non-market practices, we find that cross-sector collaborations provide for lasting solutions to our society's most vexing social problems. In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Kriss Deiglmeier, Executive Director of the CSI, defines social innovation, bringing clarity to the term, and examines its current status in theory and practice.

Social Responsibility and Purpose Beyond Age 50 - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit - Thumbnail
Civic Engagement

Social Responsibility and Purpose Beyond Age 50 - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit

What does social responsibility look like after age 50? In this panel discussion, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, academic experts talk about how they've found meaning in their own lives, and what their research reveals about how others may take advantage of a long lifespan to make purposeful contributions to society. How is the new move toward "encore" careers helping people find motivation in the second half of life, and how are economic realities impinging on the dream of unlimited opportunity?