
Tag: Grants

Luck of the Draw - Thumbnail

Luck of the Draw

By Kevin Bolduc, Phil Buchanan, & Ellie Buteau 1

Grantees of foundations have little control over which program officer takes their case. Yet program officers make or break grantees’ experiences with foundations. To trigger social change, foundations must give program officers better training, clearer expectations, and regular performance feedback.

Measurement & Evaluation

Denise Gammal - The Nonprofit Accountability Trap

Why should a grantee invest $50,000 in computing infrastructure and add staff to comply with the reporting requirements of a $16,000 grant? The inherent tensions between the high resource costs of evaluation and the demands of service delivery are a challenge for nonprofits and foundations alike. In this audio lecture, Denise Gammal presents the results from Stanford Center for Social Innovation's large-scale study on nonprofit management to foundation professionals.

Your Inner Philanthropist - Thumbnail
Social Innovations

Your Inner Philanthropist

By Susan A. Ostrander 1

What gets lost when donors follow their own hearts instead of recipients’ needs.

Drowning in Data - Thumbnail
Measuring Social Impact

Drowning in Data

By Alana Conner Snibbe 9

Funders are calling for more program evaluation, but nonprofits are often collecting dubious data, at great cost to themselves and ultimately to the people they serve.


All Fired Up

By Cliff Terry

How an insurance company helps its workers support their local fire departments.