
Human Rights Innovative policies and programs that advance the rights of individuals and communities


Living on the Edge

By Eric Nee

It’s time for socially responsible business leaders to pay higher wages and offer better benefits.

Housecleaning With Benefits

By Corey Binns 2

Alia, the new online benefits tool from National Domestic Workers Alliance, helps house cleaners accrue contributions from their clients to purchase insurance and receive paid time off.

Life Preservers at Sea

By Jeanne Carstensen

Proactiva Open Arms’ greatest threat to its rescue mission may not be the rough Mediterranean seas but European governments fearful of migrants seeking refuge in their countries.

The Fight to End Cash Bail

By Tana Ganeva

The Bail Project began as a simple idea by Bronx public defenders to set up a fund to protect their clients from the ravages of an unfair system. Now their advocacy is part of a vanguard to overhaul US criminal justice.

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