
Organizational Development Innovative approaches to internally driven, organization-wide efforts to achieve strategic goals


Bill Barnett - Preparing Environment-Conscious Leaders

If sustainability is to be woven into all human activities, tomorrow's leaders will be required to understand how their organization interacts with its environment. In this audio lecture, Stanford Graduate School Professor Bill Barnett looks at the new leadership challenges facing executives in business, government, and nonprofit organizations with an environmental purpose. Barnett now offers the first of its kind executive education leadership program designed to advance environmental responsibility across sectors.

Gerald Richards and Dee Dee Nguyen - Diversity in Fundraising

Shifting demographics among donors, fundraisers, and the communities they serve call on nonprofit organizations to think about diversity on many levels. How can you connect with donors who are different from you? How does inclusiveness strengthen your organization? In this audio lecture, gerald Richards and Dee Dee Nguyen explore these questions at the 2007 Nonprofit Boot Camp, reflecting on how to reach across the divides of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation and other differences to strengthen bonds and create new opportunities.

Sojeila Maria Silva - Financial Management 101

The most useful financial statements are those that clearly convey information to their stakeholders in the simplest format possible. In this audio lecture, financial consultant Sojeila Maria Silva shares her wisdom from 18 years of management experience. Speaking at the 2007 Nonprofit Boot Camp, she covers different approaches to financial management, what finance and budgets entail in real terms, and how to analyze most commonly used financial statements.

Heather Carpenter and Jennifer Chien - Improve Your Nonprofit Operations

In this audio lecture, Heather Carpenter and Jennifer Chien offer a wealth of practical advice and concrete steps to establish basic organizational procedures and best practices for young nonprofits. Speaking at the 2007 Nonprofit Boot Camp, they map out the tasks in key areas such as insurance, human resources, finances, fundraising, and board relations to help executives in start-up nonprofits strengthen and simplify operations, freeing up valuable time to focus on the programs they care about.

Cherie Evans - So You Want to Start a Nonprofit?

Along with clear tax benefits, starting a nonprofit means forms to file, rules to follow, and records to keep. How do you obtain public charity status?  What are the pros and cons?  Are there other options? In this audio lecture, corporate tax attorney Cherie Evans provides a step-by-step guide on the legal aspects of setting up and running a charitable organization to her 2007 Nonprofit Boot Camp audience.

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The Four Principles of Purpose-Driven Board Leadership

By Anne Wallestad 14

In the face of increasingly pressing systemic inequities, nonprofit boards must change the traditional ways they have worked and instead prioritize an organization's purpose, show respect for the ecosystem in which they operate, commit to equity, and recognize that power must be authorized by the people they're aiming to help.