Taking a page from Chris Brogan’s book, today I’m highlighting a few awesome people on Twitter that I think all you dear readers would benefit from following. Consider these my “Follow Friday” recommendations for the week as is the tradition on Twitter. Wait, you’re still not on Twitter yet? For shame! If you’re not tweeting yet, read my Twitter 101 guide and make these folks the first people you follow.

@joegerstandt: Joe is one of my absolute favorite people on Twitter. His insights on diversity and inclusion are far from the norm and open up so many new ways of thinking for organizations. I always learn something new from him, and you likely will, too.

@cjohanns: Cryn is a fearless advocate for folks struggling with student loan debt. She organizes for reform all the way from South Korea as an ESL teacher. Her tweets make you want to join the fight or at least begin one of your own.

@MiguelACorona: Miguel’s passion for helping Hispanic college grads is palpable even over the Internetz. His Twitter stream is consistently relevant to both employers and jobseekers, and provides incredible insight into the experiences of young Hispanics in the workforce.

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@socialchngediva: I love the way Ericka thinks about leadership. She always adds a dose of humor and warmth to her tweets, all the while educating herself and her followers on what leadership really looks like.

@robertegger: I’m honored to know Robert personally and he is one of my mentors in doing the work of social change. His no holds barred leadership style as the President of DC Central Kitchen manifests in the same way online. His tweets will inform and inspire you to take action and advocate for yourself and the communities you serve.

Who are you recommending on Twitter today?

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Read more stories by Rosetta Thurman.