
Social Enterprise - Most Popular

Innovative ways that organizations are using and adapting business strategies to advance social and environmental well-being (more)

John Mackey - Conscious Business and Entrepreneurship - Thumbnail

John Mackey - Conscious Business and Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship requires conscious leadership, says Whole Foods CEO John Mackey in this University podcast. Delivering a talk sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Mackey issues a clarion call for nothing less than "conscious capitalism," arguing that business can indeed serve more than the almighty dollar. He discusses his own company's challenges in the social enterprise arena.

Priya Haji - Creating a Social Enterprise - Thumbnail
Economic Development

Priya Haji - Creating a Social Enterprise

When Priya Haji put her mind to helping reduce global poverty, social entrepreneurship took a quantum leap. In this university podcast, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, the plucky founder of World of Good shares how she created a social enterprise that now empowers women in communities around the world by helping them sell their artisan goods in stores and online. She talks about strategies for using educated consumer choice and inspiring business competition to do good.