
The Whole World In Our Hands

Featuring John Kenyon

From the 2013 Nonprofit Management Institute, Kenyon explains how the intersection of mobile, social, and technology is changing nonprofits.

Leveraging Social Innovation

Featuring Lakshmi Karan, Nina Smith, Steven Rockhold, & Dara O'Rourke 1

Social innovations in supply chains have the potential for making an impact on a large scale. Experts describe innovations that are benefiting society and delivering economic value.

Jennifer Lynn Aaker on social responsibility in daily life

Creating Infectious Action

Featuring Jennifer Lynn Aaker

Jennifer Lynn Aaker discusses a repeatable method that we can follow to get people to take action, but perhaps even more important, to influence people to get others to take action as well.

CraigConnects founder Craig Newmark on aligning nonprofits to increase efficacy

Connecting Nonprofits

Featuring Craig Newmark

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark tells us about how he started CraigConnects, chose areas to support, and selected nonprofits to focus on.

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Hayagreeva Rao - Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovation

From concepts is his book, Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovation, Stanford Professor Hayagreeva Rao presents the idea of market rebels—those that create radical innovations by challenging preexisting cultural norms. Social movements and activists create social innovation, transform markets, and bring about collective action through techniques that Rao introduces as “hot causes” and “cool mobilizations.” With case studies from the automobile industry, the microbrewery movement, and a campaign from a nonprofit health organization, Rao provides an outline of how market rebels apply these techniques to drive innovation. He spoke at the 2009 Nonprofit Management Institute, an event sponsored by the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Beth Kanter - Activating Philanthropy Through Social Media

How can nonprofits leverage social media technology such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and blogs to support philanthropy? In this audio lecture, nonprofit consultant Beth Kanter talks about how she has done just that, thereby raising thousands of dollars to help children in Cambodian orphanages get to school. Learn how to get people involved in your cause, donate, volunteer, and solicit friends—all with a few keystrokes.

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Hayagreeva Rao - Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovation

Do you identify as an activist, a social entrepreneur, or both? What do they have in common? In this audio lecture sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Hayagreeva Rao, explores how the joined hands of activists, or "market rebels," shape markets, and how this promotes or blocks innovation. Rao's lessons are applicable to leaders in the nonprofit and for-profit spheres, marketers, and activists who harness collective action for institutional and social change.

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Robert Grimm Jr. and Susannah Washburn - Leading the New Volunteer Workforce

Sharing emerging trends and demographics of the new volunteer workforce, Robert Grimm and Susannah Washburn of the Corporation of National and Community Service show that volunteerism has been a growth area across the nation. Recognizing the value of volunteers can be a viable approach to maximize the efficiency of an organization. The speakers call on nonprofit management professionals to take on this new momentum for service and invest in volunteers by recruiting, developing, and recognizing volunteer talent.

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Al Gore - Tech Awards

Promoting environmental sustainability is the responsibility of every world citizen, says Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore in this audio lecture. Speaking at the 2009 Tech Awards, he urges his audience to consider how they may make changes and press for policies that will address global warming. He asks Westerners, in particular, to consider how the consequences of their own actions may be causing suffering for millions displaced by climate change.

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Social Responsibility and Purpose Beyond Age 50 - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit

What does social responsibility look like after age 50? In this panel discussion, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, academic experts talk about how they've found meaning in their own lives, and what their research reveals about how others may take advantage of a long lifespan to make purposeful contributions to society. How is the new move toward "encore" careers helping people find motivation in the second half of life, and how are economic realities impinging on the dream of unlimited opportunity?

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Ellen Goodman - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit

When it comes to aging baby boomers, "the personal is political" is still a strong rallying cry for people engaged in social enterprise. In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation, the ever-lively Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Ellen Goodman looks at redefining aging and how we may continue to make meaningful contributions to our families, communities, and country into the elder years.