
Food, Water, and Energy

Featuring Ann Bartuska 1

In this audio lecture, Dr. Ann Bartuska of the U.S. Department of Agriculture shares her insight on the necessary steps to sustainably feed the nine billion people that will be living on our planet by 2050.

Cross-Sector Social Innovation

Featuring Barton (Buzz) Thompson Jr.

Buzz Thompson identifies models of collaboration across areas of expertise that can help us solve complex societal issues.

Daniel Kreeger on social responsibility and federal responsibility with respect to climate change.

EDF Future of Green Calls

Featuring Daniel Kreeger

Daniel Kreeger, Executive Director of the Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO), outlines the relatively new position of Climate Change Officer.

Environmental Sustainability and Energy Policy

Featuring Dan Reicher, Arun Majumdar, and Aneesh Chopra

In this panel discussion we hear from senior government energy and technology officials on what’s up and coming with respect to environmental responsibility.

Environmental Sustainability with World Water

Featuring an MIT/Stanford Venture Lab Event Panel

Experts discuss why there are so few investments in water, where the opportunities lie for entrepreneurs and information technology, and what cleantech startups need to know about this sector.

Richard Morse, research associate at the Stanford’s Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, on the environment and climate change.

Environmental Sustainability and Development

Featuring Richard Morse

Richard Morse, research associate at the Stanford’s Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, discusses carbon offsets as a way to engage the developing world in climate change mitigation.

Environmental Sustainability in Electricity

Featuring Frank A. Wolak

Professor Frank Wolak considers how different utility rate structures might accelerate or delay the vision of an intelligent energy supply/demand nexus in the home.

Joao Paulo Ferreira, VP of operations of Natura Cosmetics Brasil, on his organization and social entrepreneurship

Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains

Featuring Joao Paulo Ferreira

Joao Paulo Ferreira, VP of operations of Natura Cosmetics Brasil, discusses the specifics of managing the supply chain, research, and collaborations with communities, NGOs, universities, other industries, and governments.

Mindy S. Lubber - Collaborating for Environmental Sustainability

Making environmental sustainability stick is requiring the cooperation of the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. In this audio interview, Stanford Center for Social Innovation correspondent Ashkon Jafari interviews Ceres president Mindy Lubber about how her organization brings together investors, government, human rights groups, and others to build a cross-sector voice for sustainability.