John B. Taylor - Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World - Thumbnail

John B. Taylor - Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World

While Wall Street's role in the financial crisis is widely discussed, the government's role is often less well understood. In this audio interview, Stanford MBA student Joy Sun talks with John Taylor, a renowned macroeconomist and professor at Stanford University, about how government regulation and policy have shaped the recovery from the economic crisis and how they may prevent similar crises in the future.

Edward P. Lazear - Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World - Thumbnail

Edward P. Lazear - Financial Crisis and a Changing Business World

The future of financial regulation has been a topic of intense debate in the aftermath of the financial crisis. In this audio interview, Stanford MBA student Lisa Scheible talks with Edward Lazear, an expert on labor economics from Stanford, about how government regulation and policy have influenced the economic recovery and how they can prevent similar crises in the future.

Jim Fruchterman - Harnessing Technology for Social Enterprise - Thumbnail

Jim Fruchterman - Harnessing Technology for Social Enterprise

Harnessing engineering innovation and technology to further social causes is one path to social enterprise. In this university podcast, sponsored by Stanford's Center for Social Innovation, former rocket scientist Jim Fruchterman talks about how he created Benetech, an organization that uses technology innovation and business expertise to solve unmet social needs. He discusses how he has leveraged the intellectual capital and resources of Silicon Valley to create solutions that are truly life changing.

Steve Cole - Social Enterprise for Kids with Cancer - Thumbnail

Steve Cole - Social Enterprise for Kids with Cancer

How can a social enterprise save the lives of young people? In this audio lecture sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation, Steve Cole talks about the Re-Mission video game, a project that inspires young people to take their pills after their cancer has been put into remission. The game was the first product of HopeLab, an organization dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of young people with chronic illness.

John Mackey - Conscious Business and Entrepreneurship - Thumbnail

John Mackey - Conscious Business and Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship requires conscious leadership, says Whole Foods CEO John Mackey in this University podcast. Delivering a talk sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Mackey issues a clarion call for nothing less than "conscious capitalism," arguing that business can indeed serve more than the almighty dollar. He discusses his own company's challenges in the social enterprise arena.

Paul Rice - Promoting Fair Trade as Social Entrepreneurship - Thumbnail

Paul Rice - Promoting Fair Trade as Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship may be the most promising avenue for solving global problems, says Paul Rice, CEO of TransFair USA. In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Rice details his own work to establish Fair Trade. The movement has opened the U.S. market to more than 1.4 million small family farmers around the world who are now getting a fair price for their harvests and making dramatic gains in their living standards.

Priya Haji - Creating a Social Enterprise - Thumbnail

Priya Haji - Creating a Social Enterprise

When Priya Haji put her mind to helping reduce global poverty, social entrepreneurship took a quantum leap. In this university podcast, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, the plucky founder of World of Good shares how she created a social enterprise that now empowers women in communities around the world by helping them sell their artisan goods in stores and online. She talks about strategies for using educated consumer choice and inspiring business competition to do good.

Social Responsibility and Purpose Beyond Age 50 - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit - Thumbnail

Social Responsibility and Purpose Beyond Age 50 - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit

What does social responsibility look like after age 50? In this panel discussion, sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, academic experts talk about how they've found meaning in their own lives, and what their research reveals about how others may take advantage of a long lifespan to make purposeful contributions to society. How is the new move toward "encore" careers helping people find motivation in the second half of life, and how are economic realities impinging on the dream of unlimited opportunity?

Ellen Goodman - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit - Thumbnail

Ellen Goodman - Civic Ventures 2009 Innovation Summit

When it comes to aging baby boomers, "the personal is political" is still a strong rallying cry for people engaged in social enterprise. In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation, the ever-lively Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Ellen Goodman looks at redefining aging and how we may continue to make meaningful contributions to our families, communities, and country into the elder years.

Martin Eakes - Responsible Investing in Community Banking - Thumbnail

Martin Eakes - Responsible Investing in Community Banking

Responsible investing begins in local, underserved communities. In this education podcast, CEO Martin Eakes talks about how his organization, Self-Help, has provided almost $6 billion in financing to more than 60,000 homebuyers, small businesses, and nonprofits, and how it is serving thousands of low-income families through retail credit union branches. Eakes' presentation is an inspiring rallying cry for redirecting resources to those who can benefit the most. His talk is part of a discussion sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation.

Sarah Brown - Lessons on Nonprofit Management - Thumbnail

Sarah Brown - Lessons on Nonprofit Management

What are the key things anyone starting an organization should know about nonprofit management? In this audio lecture, sponsored by the Center for Social Innovation, Sarah Brown uses her organization, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, as an exemplar. She talks about how to choose an issue, establish a mission and goals, obtain funding, measure performance, and manage challenges.

Abdallah S. Jum’ah - Examining the 21st Century Oil Company

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company exemplifies how an organization may go from good to great through a focus on innovation. In this audio lecture, CEO Abdallah Jum'ah shares with an audience of Stanford MBA students how he has harnessed the brainpower of his people to come up with breakthrough solutions in areas such as technology, tools, processes, and organizational management. His talk demonstrates how living the values of innovation, insight, and principle can transform an organization and change the world.

Hoover Conference - Promoting Entrepreneurship Abroad

While the United States has been a leader in global entrepreneurship, other countries are also getting in on the act. But the movement abroad has not been without its struggles. In this panel discussion at a conference convened by the Hoover Institute at Stanford, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs talk about what it takes to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in a variety of countries. They look at challenges as well as lessons from nations that have been particularly successful in creating startups, such as India and Taiwan.

Promoting Entrepreneurship at Home and Abroad - Hoover Conference

A critical aspect of international development and the restoration of the global economy involves fostering entrepreneurship. In this panel discussion at a conference convened by the Hoover Institute at Stanford, experts and entrepreneurs discuss what it takes to create social and educational environments in the United States and abroad that support innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. They consider what opportunities the world crisis has opened up for major transformations in every sector of the economy.

Richard Boly - Growing Entrepreneurship in Italy

The U.S. government is working to grow the "ecosystem" for entrepreneurship abroad as a part of its international development efforts. In this audio lecture, Richard Boly, a member of the U.S. Foreign Service, discusses how he managed a program of the U.S. embassy to promote entrepreneurship in Italy, a country steeped in bureaucracy and lacking engines of innovation. Speaking at a conference convened by the Hoover Institute at Stanford, he details efforts to connect entrepreneurs with the resources and role models they need to be successful.