Marketing Research: That Won't Break the Bank

Alan R. Andreasen

Hardcover: 277 pages, Jossey-Bass (2002), $19.57

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Marketing Research
That Won’t Break the Bank
Alan R. Andreasen
277 pages (Jossey- Bass, 2002)

Research should help managers make decisions, and this straightforward book by Georgetown University marketing professor Alan Andreasen offers a primer in how to conduct effective market research on a shoestring. The key, argues Andreasen, is to think clearly and critically about what information you need before spending money on market research. Andreasen sets out some general strategies for how to both design your marketing experiments and produce valid, actionable data in a cost-conscious way. Packed with examples and practical advice about everything from designing surveys to interpreting statistics, the book shows you how to reveal the needs and wants of your customers or clients.