
Water & Sanitation - Articles

Innovative ways to improve access to basic human needs (more)

Water’s Role in Environmental Sustainability

Featuring Josh Becker, Craig Criddle, Anil Jha, Ryan Matley, Gonzalo "G.G." Pique, & Tom Victorine

Water is one of the most hidden of our environmental sustainability issues, and yet it poses critical challenges for our future

THIRST: Fighting the Corporate
Theft of Our Water
Alan Snitow & Deborah Kaufman
with Michael Fox

Review: Thirst

Review By John D. Donahue

Should water be turned into a commodity that only "haves" can pay for?

Fall 2007

Don Gould - Pure Water 4 All

When people ask Don Gould how he knows that his product works, he answers: "Because babies stop dying." As part of a social enterprise consortium, Gould, who is both a product designer and ceramicist, helped to design and deploy simple, effective water filtration devices to the developing world. In this audio interview, he talks with Globeshakers host Tim Zak about both the traditional production techniques and the new economy models for collaboration.