
Features - Articles

New and in-depth explorations of solutions to social, environmental, or organizational problems (more)

Burnout in a Crisis

By Marguerite Rigoglioso 2

Sidebar to "Reversing Burnout:" when working a crisis, put your own oxygen mask on first.

The Soup of Self-Help

By Aaron Dalton

Sidebar to "Rethinking Self-Esteem:" self-esteem should be coupled with self-control.

A Failure of Philanthropy

By Rob Reich 3

From the archives: American charity shortchanges the poor, and public policy is partly to blame.

Rethinking Self-Esteem

By Roy Baumeister

Why nonprofits should stop pushing self-esteem and start endorsing self-control.

Reversing Burnout

By Christina Maslach & Michael P. Leiter 1

How to rekindle your passion for your work.

Imagining a Democracy

By Mark Macnamara

In Morocco, there are 33,000 NGOs, many of which are engaged in a massive struggle to bring a civil society to life.

The Myth of CSR

By Deborah Doane 3

The problem with assuming that companies can do well while also doing good is that markets don't really work that way

The Workings of Class

By Adrie Kusserow

Though rarely discussed in America, the subtle differences between social classes lead to major misunderstandings in the classroom, the workplace, and in many nonprofit settings.

Philanthropy, Inc.

By Keith Epstein

How today’s corporate donors want their gifts to help the bottom line.